The deaddrop 4.2.0 release

This update is a two-stage upgrade where the first stage adds the possibility to do an operating system upgrade and the second upgrade will upgrade the operating system and the new deaddrop update.

This update will also add an automatic update which will trigger every Monday 03:01 AM with a random delay of 3 hours. As a deaddrop owner, the system administrator have the possibility to disable the automatic upgrade by editing the file /usr/lib/systemd/system/upgrade.timer.d/override.conf

deaddrop changes

  • Enable auto upgrade by default
  • Add support for open-vm-tools
  • Resolved a bug which denied the removal of API users
  • Fix a decoding issue for files settings

ddadm (deaddrop administrator interface) changes

GUI improvements

  • improved error messages to provide more detailed feedback when failing to add deaddrop contacts
  • added tellustalk and datatal as configurable options
  • added SMS proxy settings
  • added upstream repo settings
  • added more options to deaddrop management

bug fixes

  • fixed incorrect permissions that prevented GUI to display mail- and system logs
  • fixed incorrect permissions that prevented creating and modifying deaddrop admin contacts
  • fixed incorrect permissions that prevented users with the role opadm from creating or modifying contacts


Add support for Datatal SMS gateway

Operating system packages

  • Update to new major operating system release. Sysctl LINUX 40.
  • General packages updates



Minor documentation updates


Each ISO and VHD release has a software bill of materials (SBOM), to make introspection of the release easy to integrate with a number of security tools.

Sysctl portal

Sysctl rss/atom