
Visit us at: Cyber Security 2025, 9-10th of April 2025 Cyber Security Oslo 2025


A web based secure file transfer

Deaddrop is a web based secure file transfer appliance. It is designed from the ground up with security in mind. Operating system, sub systems, web server and web applications are all hardened. The deaddrop application is used to transfer files between single persons or groups of persons as easily as possible.


An USB Kiosk

IMPEX is developed to handle removable media in a kiosk solution used in sensitive environments. It can be viewed as a technical security control, as it allows for checking devices and files for malicious code, but more importantly it is also a strong policy enforcement tool.

Research and Development

About us

We are security geeks. IT security has come a long way the past 20 years, both the offensive and defensive parts of it. Offensive side has gotten the attention of governments, with a huge influx of money to develop new weapons and methods of intercepting, manipulating and eavesdropping on communications. The defense side has to keep up with that, as well as traditional IT threats and threat agents.

Our work is in the field of IT and OT security where we primarily work in the defensive arena, with building protection systems, enhancing existing security controls and fiddle around to see how one can use operating system built-in security to the maximum. We know that this is a field where we can make a difference.





Get in touch

Reach us at for general inquiries or view the detailed contact information of our team.