sysctl releases

All releases from sysctl will be announced to customers at least one week before the actual release date of the new software. The release announcement includes a more general description about the release and the technical changes.

During the time of the release sysctl will publish the technical changes for the release on

If there is a known issue that could affect customers a patch release might be released on shorter notice. A patch release will always be announced before the time of the release.

Releases can include several different software updates but even if not all packages have been changed they might get their versions increased and be included in the release.

Major release

A major version bump is only made upon larger changes or substantial new features.

Minor release

This is the normal release that can include improvements and new features.

Patch release

A patch release consists of cherry-picked fixes that are made to be as small as possible to reduce the risk of introducing new bugs. A patch release is typically made to fix some broken functionality or some other issue that cannot wait until the next planned release.

Semantic versioning

All softwares developed by sysctl use the semantic version explained below. Third party software packaged and signed by sysctl will use the upstream version but prefixed with sysctl-


All softwares developed by sysctl use the two following semantic


X, Y and Z describes the kind of release



YY, MM and DD describes the time of the release




The buildnumber is the epoch time during build, number of seconds after 1 January 1970.

The architecture is either noarch or x86_64 depending on the required architecture.

Third party software

Any third party software that sysctl packages will be prefixed with sysctl- and everything after will use the upstream name and version

The minor number can be incremented in the upstream software version when sysctl add patches to the code.

